Besides being A.D.D., I am seriously "tech" challenged!! The mere fact that my blog is up and running is a minor miracle! The fact that some photographs are also included is another miracle! The fact that some of these pictures below vary in size from huge to mini are beyond my tech reasoning! Believe me when I tell you that I am not the sort of housekeeper that would deliberately enlarge a picture to such a degree that you can probably see the dust bunnies on and under the furniture! I have worked and worked to correct the situation until I convinced myself there is no such thing as "blogger's jail" and I would just live with it! I hope you will too! (Besides, it might make you very happy to find dust bunnies all around my house!) Someday, when I am a world famous blogger :)....and have "peeps" to do all my postings, ect. :), and actually own a camera that costs more than $99! :) ..... I will look back at these early blogs and laugh at them! For now....I will humbly ask you to pretend that these are all very high tech, expertly obtained pictures!! :) Now...on to business!
Oh how I love the Christmas season! Of always seems to be here before I am prepared! The Hanging of the Greens had to begin immediately after Thanksgiving since I am hosting a little gathering of a girl's supper club that I'm in. We generally meet around each other's birthdays and have great fun talking, eating and mostly laughing! It's a laid back group...which always makes it so much fun....we can wear what we want, cook what we want and say what we want! Anyway...I knew if I hosted it in early December we would be motivated to at least begin our Christmas decorating. I say "we" because Mr. Sweettea
loves plays a large roll in the Hanging of the Greens... the all important task of getting all the boxes down and hanging the outdoor wreaths. Here's a peek of things so far.....
There's nothing like a little fresh pine, magnolia and cedar
arranged thrown into a cachepot to say Merry Christmas as you enter the front door!

More fresh greens in a little cherub vase

Another cherub hung over a boxwood wreath that hangs over a mirror. I hung the wreath (a gift from my sweet friend SuSu) last Christmas and just couldn't ever bear to take it down! It is now a permanent fixture but I will remove the cherub after Christmas, though I really love her! You can tell that I really have "issues" with paring down my clutter....which is a BIG no no in the design world these days!! In the design world, now is the time for just a very few large, fabulous things on a table....clean and pared down! And I really love the look. So, clutter is "OUT" but my own home hasn't received the "design memo" quite yet!

Even the bunnies hold Christmas greens....
This bunny holds two vases and a candle on top! He is a multi tasking bunny!
I love and use him too much to only put him out in the spring. Besides, if I put
him away, I would probably not find him again for five years! I wish this picture
showed the pretty brown "log" candle on top before it burned down to a brown
and beige puddle! (Use your imagination!) Anyway...I really love to have tiny vases
around to hold greenery and flowers. It gives the same feel as having a large vase
of fresh flowers and greenery without all the time and expense.

More tomorrow...I'm tired! :)
Happy decorating to you and yours!~The Sweet Tea Cottage