precious Byer's Choice displays that I snapped the last time my friend Becky and I attended Atlanta market.
Their showroom was so cute and magical! I couldn't believe how many characters they had!
Enjoy! Maybe it will put you in the mood to decorate for Christmas if you haven't started yet!
Blessings~ The Sweet Tea Cottage
Don't you want to just go and visit "Byer town" for a day? The folks there look so
friendly and they certainly know how to create a cozy Christmas feel in their little village!!
(Not to mention it looks like they have some great cooks and bakers around town!)
Oh! Why do I always have to make it about the food?
Why couldn't I just be content with "the cozy Christmas feel"? :)
I think the way they cut the white felt to look wavy like snow is cute on the table don't you?
I'm not a "snow village" or any kind of "set up a Christmas Village" type of gal....
for one thing...I don't have the room and for's just not my "thing"....
It'd take me six months to set up these wonderful, elaborate villages that some people set up....(and during that time no laundry or cooking would get done :)!)
for another thing...I'd much rather just go look at and admire someone else's weeks of hard work...
but for anyone who does snow villages or has a collection of these adorable Byers characters and houses.....I think the "snow" felt topper is really a great idea!
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